Wednesday, May 14, 2008

#31 Clothing

I love to wear blazers and warm cardigans but I hate paying $50 to $100 or more each for them. I prefer to wear layers for comfort and I prefer classic styles. I am getting a good supply of them now in very nice fabrics. The blazers are costing me $2 to $8 and the cardigans have been anything from 50 cents to $3. I buy them at the DAV Thrift stores and at church and Christian organization sales, primarily in the summer.

I love wearing the better clothing but I spend a lot of time working with people, children, babies, food and animals. They are messy so I get messy sometimes. If I am wearing something that costs a lot, I worry more about the clothing than the people and I wind up being miserable. Some people live in such a way that they never get messy. Not me. Life happens. People are worth more than stuff. So I am thrilled with my thrift store finds.

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